anticipate | capture | treasure

Took advantage of the snow which fell yesterday in the mountains and driving this morning in southern Virginia to stop and capture this at sunrise.

Thank you for visiting! Any and all comments, suggestions and criticism welcomed! Please know that if you take the time to stop by and leave a comment, I WILL reply!

Photography is my passion so the only way to learn and improve is to do just that. Happy shooting everyone!

Any unauthorized downloading & use of all photo work by Candid1 is strictly prohibited by copyright laws. If you ask, permission is usually granted. Thank you!


2 Responses to By the Break of Dawn’s Morning Light

  • Penny,
    This photos are breathtaking. I love them all. I am so very impressed with you ability to capture true emotion and every day life shots. Congrats on launching your new site. So very proud of you.

  • Congratulations Penny! I have to agree with Melissa this photo is breathtaking, they are all amazing and wish you nothing but great success….